The Laser Centre of the University of Latvia has gathered excellence and know-how in various aspects of magneto-optical effects in atomic vapors and diamonds, specifically, nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond: the fabrication impact on the properties of the defect, fundamental NV physics, development of NV based magnetic resonance platforms and magnetic structure and biomagnetic imaging. Also, a project, “Feasibility study of spacecraft magnetometers based on nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond”, financed by the European Space Agency (ESA), whose main goal was a magnetometer prototype device, has been completed (2021) giving experience in a compact and resource effective magnetometer creation. Also, the Laser Centre also has previous experience in the development of optically addressed magnetometer systems where an alkali-vapor gradiometer based on optical thin cells has been developed. Research is being done in the context of GNSS denied magneto-georeferencing and vector-magnetometry within a project financed by the European Defence Fund (EDF), “Advanced, Disruptive and Emerging QUAntum technologies for DEfense”. The Laser Center is also part of the “Latvian Quantum Initiative” project.
The Laser Centre of the University of Latvia employs a number of experienced researchers in the field of NV and atom based magnetometry with a strong background in physics. The researchers have a vast experience in prototyping various optical systems, designs and assemblies, working with precise optical alignments in light and space tight experiments and optical phenomena related to magnetic fields.
Total employees | 12 |
Employees in space | 3 |
Turnover | 1 200 000 EUR |
Export quota space | 0 % |