Mission Space is a B2B and B2G software venture developing a satellite-based space weather nowcast and forecast system to help satellite operators and agencies quantify the risks of space weather and solve the problem of data deficit and lack of warning tools to mitigate the effects of the sun’s activity.
With custom sensors in LEO and advanced models on the ground, Mission Space turns outdated and costly raw data processes into real-time, actionable insights. Unlike other competitors, they offer a user-oriented high-accuracy short term forecast, localized products for different orbits, and custom infrastructure-specific hazard warnings
Our engineering team developed two new detectors with defensible IP that form the basis of our system. These detectors measure critical space weather parameters such as high energy particle fluxes of protons and electrons and galactic cosmic rays energies that allow for accurate space weather monitoring and predictions. Our technical team comes from the institutional "space agencies" background. In order to master our technology, the miniaturization technique was applied to build detectors that could fly on CubeSats with preserved and even improved characteristics.