EVENT: "New capabilities and countries in European Space” Conference 2023

ESA invites members of the space community to attend one of the key European space conferences of the year - on 23 and 24 May 2023 in ESTEC, the Netherlands. A student poster competition is part of the conference with a sponsored trip for the winners! Deadline: 13 March 2023.

The New capabilities and countries in European Space Conference is organised by the Capability and Country Support Division in the ESA Directorate of Commercialisation, Industry and Procurement of the European Space Agency with the intention to foster international cooperation and partnerships between new and experienced actors in the entire space sector. 

The event is open to all entities from ESA and EU member states. Companies from ESA member states seeking new partners or suppliers can apply for a dedicated poster section to showcase their company and needs. Priority will be given to entities from ESA Cooperating, Associate and New Member States.

A draft outline of the event can be found under the tab Preliminary ProgrammeThere is also a possibility to submit an abstract until 2 January 2023. More information here.

The key elements of the conference will include:

  • Thematic sessions* showcasing the capabilities and achievements of entities in Cooperating, PECS, Associate Member and the more recent Member State countries;
  • Networking opportunities and social events (including welcome reception, buffet lunches and a conference dinner) to help attendees establish new contacts in an efficient and time-saving manner in a relaxed environment;
  • Poster session with the possibility to engage with future partners;
  • Training course sessions targeting the needs of smaller entities;
  • ESA presentations about current and future programme needs and opportunities;
  • A free welcome package.

The focus topics of the event are:

  • Downstream applications: land use and management
  • Downstream applications: water and coastal monitoring
  • Satellite-to-ground communications
  • Materials and manufacturing processes
  • Structure and thermal
  • Optics, lasers and their applications
  • Planetary exploration and rovers
  • Space weather monitoring and analysis
  • Radiation monitoring and modelling
  • Smallsat missions and hardware
  • Life sciences, in-situ resource utilisation, life support in space

Source and more information: NCCES Conference website.

Student Poster Competition

Prize: sponsored trip to the May 2023 conference at ESTEC for students!

The European New Capabilities and Countries Space Conference in May 2023 organizes a student poster competition and will offer travel sponsorship to the conference at ESTEC to the winners. The goal of this competition is to create awareness, already at university level, about the importance of international cooperation in the entire space sector.


1. Student poster competition

The student poster competition encourages students to come up with ideas or concepts that would enhance such international cooperation in 4 categories:  

  1. In-situ resource utilization + intelligent planetary exploration (incl. automation & robotics, flying machines);
  2. Sustainable long-term life support for the Moon, Mars or space stations;
  3. Novel Earth observation applications;
  4. Ownership and exploitation of space objects (incl. recovered debris/samples, asteroids, planets).

The posters should clearly show and demonstrate the worked-out idea/concept and should be understandable for a larger audience. Both new, innovative ideas with the potential to lead to something useful as well as ideas that complement existing ESA mission and activities are welcomed; however, shall not duplicate any of the ongoing work.   

The purpose of this student competition is to create awareness about the importance of international cooperation among participants. For the winners, the purpose is that after the conference, they will return and bring back motivation, enthusiasm and contacts as an incentive and stimulant to be involved in further space activities in their professional careers, as well as sharing their experiences with their fellow students.


2. Who can apply

Teams of two shall be formed, and one of them must be a national from Latvia or the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia or Slovenia.

The applicants must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate, graduate or PhD student in a university in one of the countries listed above, and in one of the following study programs: Engineering, Science, Business Administration or Law & Legal.

Each group must consist of two students and in order to be eligible for the sponsorship, the team members must:

  • Be enrolled at two different universities in Latvia (or any other ESA Member State or Associated Member State);
  • Be over the age of 18 at the time of application;
  • Be from different countries but may be from similar study programmes.


3. How to participate and the result

Interested teams are invited to notify ESA to participate in the student competition by filling out the form available via this link. Upon completion, your team will receive an email with detailed information and poster requirements. Your team poster must then be submitted before 13 March 2023 for evaluation by an ESA expert jury panel.

After evaluation, all teams will be notified of the result before 14 April 2023. Four winning teams (each consisting of 2 students) will receive a scholarship to the conference from 22-24 May 2023 at ESTEC in the Netherlands, covering up to 1000 EUR to support the travel and accommodation expenses.

At the conference, among other things, they will be able to:

  • Receive a tour of ESTEC facilities
  • Receive a tour of the high bay, including a 3D tour of the ISS in the auditorium
  • Full participation to the conference
  • Receive a certificate during the award ceremony
  • Exhibit their poster during a poster session

The student competition milestones are:

  • Competition launches: 15 October 2022
  • Competition closes: 13 March 2023
  • Winners announced and all teams notified: 14 April 2023
  • Conference: 22-24 May 2023

In case of questions, please contact Kim Johnson (responsible for the student competition) via kim.johnson@esa.int with the following email subject ‘ - …’. 

Source: NCCES Student Poster Competition website.