EVENT: Upcoming ESA BIC Latvia events

Latvia recently launched European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre in Latvia (ESA BIC Latvia), operated by Commercialization Reactor and partners. In the upcoming month there will be a few events that will help new starptups to launch their ideas in space. 

European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre in Latvia (ESA BIC Latvia) was established following Latvia’s status as an ESA Associate Member State and aligns with the goals of the Latvian Space Strategy, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economics. 

The European Space Agency plays a crucial role in supporting the growth of the space industry by providing funding, expertise, and access to a network of partners and resources. ESA’s initiatives aim to drive technological advancements and promote the commercialisation of space-related technologies.

ESA Business Incubation Centres form the largest network of incubators supporting space-related start-ups in Europe. Their objective is to support entrepreneurs with space-based business ideas, helping them develop their products while launching their companies. In doing so, they create and grow clusters of space-related start-ups across Europe. The establishment of ESA BIC Latvia marks a significant milestone in efforts to foster innovation in space and support Latvian start-ups.

Over the next five years, ESA BIC Latvia plans to support at least 12 start-ups by offering financial support (up to €60,000), two years of business coaching, training, technical assistance, access to space data, and legal consultations. These services, provided at no cost, will enable entrepreneurs to focus on innovation and growth. The centre aims to drive the development of technologies that support the space economy or enhance space industry operations. Its objectives include fostering space-related start-ups, creating jobs, and nurturing science-driven businesses in Latvia. Applications will be open year-round, with registration for the first incubation batch open until 15 January. Further details are available on ESA BIC Latvia’s homepage.

Upcoming ESA BIC Latvia events: 

Free Zoom webinar on 17:00, 19 December 2024 to explore how ESA BIC Latvia can help to take your space startup to the next level. Join us for an in-depth briefing on the ESA BIC Latvia application process. Link to the event: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86079286979

In this online session, you'll learn:
🎯 the key requirements for a successful application;
🎯 tips and tricks to strengthen your proposal;
🎯 the benefits of joining the ESA BIC Latvia incubation program.

Presenter: Maud Moullec is the Commercialisation Officer at the European Space Agency (ESA), she is also the ESA BIC Country Manager for France and Latvia who works closely with ESA BIC Latvia Manager Lev Lapkis.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and increase your chances of securing a spot in this prestigious program.

Previous events:

Free Zoom webinar on 17:00, 4 December 2024 to explore how ESA BIC Latvia can help accelerate your space startup journey.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86079286979

Event program:
🎯 ESA BIC Latvia support tools. Discover the aims and resources of ESA BIC Latvia and learn how it can help you turn your space tech ideas into reality. Learn about our comprehensive support tools, including IT infrastructure, mentorship, non-equity financing, and more.
🎯 Other support tools for space tech startups. Discover additional innovation funding and support programs available for founders.
🎯 Q&A session. Have your questions about the space economy and business support answered.


Lev Lapkis is ESA BIC Latvia Manager and space tech expert with 10+ years of experience in space projects, and also a board member of LAIK.
Angelina Bekasova represents the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia and the Latvian Space Industry Association (LAIK).

Whether you're an experienced space tech entrepreneur or just starting, this event is for you. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, gain valuable insights, and accelerate your space tech journey.  

Reserve your slot by visiting this link: https://www.linkedin.com/events/spacetechfundingopportunities7268366893902614528/