EVENTS: A list of upcoming ESA webinars and events

Find out more on the six upcoming ESA webinars: careers, Copernicus for Green Deal, education and optical and quantum communication.

ESA regularly organises informative events to clarify the information on the new and key initiatives in the space domain. Find out more below on the following webinars:

  • Impactpool Virtual Career Fair for Women In STEM, 22 March 2022
  • Copernicus and the Green Deal, 22-23 March 2022
  • 4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities, 27-29 April 2022
  • 5th Annual ScyLight Workshop 2022, 7-8 June 2022

more information below!


22 March 2022: Impactpool Virtual Career Fair for Women In STEM

A 5-hour virtual career event, empowering women working in STEM-related roles. International organisations will be participating in this uniquely focused career event to engage with professional women across the world.

Who should attend the event? Women In Tech, Scientists, Engineers, Seismic & Hydroacoustic specialists, ICT, Physicists, Technicians, AeroSpace and Aeronautical specialists, Software, Electrical & Mechanical Engineers and Technicians, GIS, Nuclear Safety and engineering professionals and alike.

Information and registration:


22-23 March 2022: Copernicus and the Green Deal

This workshop will present how Copernicus services can contribute to the achievement of the EU Green Deal policy objectives and support in the monitoring of progress. The workshop aims to address the policy areas indicated in the Green Deal, how Copernicus can support implementing and monitoring these key aspects and facilitate interactions and discussions between different stakeholders.

Information and registration:


27-29 April 20224th Symposium on Space Educational Activities (Barcelona, Spain)

The Symposium on Space Educational Activities (SSEA), organised by the ESA’s Education Office, provides a forum for university students, professionals working in education, and other young professionals to present and discuss their experiences organising, running and/or participating in Educational Activities related to Space.

Event website:


7-8 June 2022: Workshop: 5th Annual ScyLight Workshop 2022

The event will take place in the area of Bonn, Germany. The annual workshop for ESA’s Strategic Programme Line on optical and quantum communication – ScyLight, is once more aiming to engage and discuss with stakeholders in the optical and quantum communication technologies domain.

Further details of the workshop will be announced soon.


Source: ESA Space Solutions