OPPORTUNITY: Invitation to tender for EO Baltic Platform for Governmental Services!

The European Space Agency has published an invitation to tender for the development of an EO Baltic Platform for Governmental Services, with a total budget of € 900 000. The aim is to develop a platform to support coordinated access and exploitation of EO-based information services by the governments stakeholders in the Baltics.

With this ITT ESA aims at developing a platform to support coordinated access and exploitation of EO-based information services by the Governments stakeholders in the Baltics.


Time for implementation: 18 months

Deadline for applications: 16 June 2023

Canonical scenarios:

  • EO Data, Service or Product/Application Exploitation
  • EO Service Development
  • EO Product Development

Requirements and domains of interest

  • Interaction with a comprehensive set of end-user entities from all the three target countries
  • Robust interfaces with the necessary (EO) data archives for the Baltic region
  • Effective access to entities holding the relevant in-situ information and data sets to support the required verification, validation and data fusion activities.

Domains of interest

  • Regional Security
  • Climate and Air Quality Monitoring
  • Water Quality Monitoring (in coastal waters and inland waterbodies)
  • Multi-purpose Land Monitoring & Change Detection

Next steps for industry

  1. Register your company to ESA-STAR, if you have not done it already. The registration can take time, so please do it now!
  2. Check for the ITT here: https://esastar-publication.sso.esa.int/ESATenderActions/details/59083
  3. Download the Tender package and make sure your proposal complies with the tender conditions
  4. If you have doubts, send a request for clarification on ESA-STAR
  5. Submit your proposal within the tendering period 6. If you need additional time, you can request an extension of the tendering period


What is ESA?

An international organization, with 22 Member States with the mission to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA provides several funding opportunities for scientists and industry, through mandatory and optional programmes.

What is FutureEO?

FutureEO is an optional programme focused on Earth observation research and development. Earth science and the development of operational satellite missions is at the heart of this programme.

What are the Regional Initiatives? Earth/Environmental related issues are often peculiar to a particular region, FutureEO Regional Activities provide Information services to enhance and integrate within existing regional monitoring and assessment frameworks in cooperation with national and regional authorities à Alps, Atlantic, Baltic, Black Sea and Danube, Mediterranean. Baltic web page à https://eo4society.esa.int/tag/baltic/