News & events

TRAINING: ESA 12th Training Course of Earth Observation and seminar recordings

TRAINING: ESA 12th Training Course of Earth Observation and seminar recordings

12.09.2022, 12:48

On 27 June - 1 July 2022, ESA held the 12th Training Course on Earth Observation (EO) in Latvia. With 35 participants and twice as many applications received, EO experts delivered practical seminars on EO data and information (SAR and optical) and its applications, EO missions and EO Open Platform. In the article, you will find recording of the seminars.

EVENT: Latvian space industry delegation to participate at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress!

EVENT: Latvian space industry delegation to participate at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress!

09.09.2022, 16:26

Several organisations and institutions that contribute to the growth of the Latvian space sector will promote their technological achievements, learn and network with thousands of other participants of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress from all other the world.

OPPORTUNITY: The EUSPA Space Academy: Lift off to a successful space business!

OPPORTUNITY: The EUSPA Space Academy: Lift off to a successful space business!

13.07.2022, 23:17

Fostering the EU space business entrepreneurship environment: the opportunities for downstream applications in the space field have never been greater due to easy and instant access to space data and signals

EDUCATION: Call for applications for the ESA spacecraft operations training course until 1 August 2022

EDUCATION: Call for applications for the ESA spacecraft operations training course until 1 August 2022

06.07.2022, 11:29
ESA Education Training Centre is organising a 4-day training course for university students to learn about the fascinating world of spacecraft operations on 20-23 September 2022 in Belgium. Participation costs: covered!
WEBINAR: Copernicus for the preservation of cultural heritage

WEBINAR: Copernicus for the preservation of cultural heritage

06.07.2022, 11:20

On 7 July 2022, the Copernicus Support Office is organising its second webinar as part of a series dedicated to showcasing Copernicus, its uses and benefits. This time the webinar will delve into the topic of Earth Observation data uses in the cultural heritage sector.

OPPORTUNITY: InnORBIT - support to set up a space business support initiative

OPPORTUNITY: InnORBIT - support to set up a space business support initiative

17.06.2022, 22:35

InnORBIT is a capacity building initiative for innovators & innovation intermediaries in Eastern Europe and the Baltics. On 27 June 2022, an information day to take place, and an open call has been launched!

OPPORTUNITY: AI for Earth 2 - Forest Health

OPPORTUNITY: AI for Earth 2 - Forest Health

17.06.2022, 22:06

A Latvian company Baltic Satellite Service and Forest Radar, who use machine learning and satellite imagery for advanced forest intelligence​, organise a programme/challenge on forest flooding detection in satellite data in Latvia - starting on 20 June 2022.

EVENT: ESA webinars on space for Blue Economy

EVENT: ESA webinars on space for Blue Economy

13.06.2022, 19:42

The European Space Agency organises two webinars on space technologies for seas and oceans: Safety and Security in the Oceans Space (21 June 2022) and for a Greener Maritime Future (23 June 2022)

EVENT: EUSPA Entrepreneurship Day

EVENT: EUSPA Entrepreneurship Day

28.05.2022, 13:53

On 1 June 2022, EUSPA organises the Entrepreneurship Day for European start-ups, scale-ups, SMEs, entrepreneurs, innovators and investors on ways to successfully integrate European space data and solutions into an business idea, start-up or innovation.

OPPORTUNITY: Planet data available for free with ESA

OPPORTUNITY: Planet data available for free with ESA

28.05.2022, 12:42

Planet's Earth Observation high-frequency, high-resolution satellite data is now available for free for non-commercial use via the EARTHNET program.

EVENT: ESA Days in Latvia

EVENT: ESA Days in Latvia

16.05.2022, 18:46

As part of Deep Tech Atelier 2022, Latvia is organising ESA Days on 19 and 20 May 2022. Networking opportunities, inspirational talks and practical information on opportunities available in the space sector for everyone!

EVENT: SPACEtalks 3.0

EVENT: SPACEtalks 3.0

25.04.2022, 20:41

SPACEtalks 3.0, a space commercialisation conference that will focus on space technology, its on-planet applications and the future of the space industry, will take place on 27 April 2022 in Oxfordshire, UK.

EVENT: ESA Careers Week

EVENT: ESA Careers Week

07.04.2022, 20:48

Find out about career opportunities at ESA on 2-5 May 2022 online: for professionals from entry to senior level, online job fair, interaction of ESA HR, in detail about ESA careers.

EVENT: ESA's 2022 Living Planet Symposium

EVENT: ESA's 2022 Living Planet Symposium

30.03.2022, 16:52

World's largest Earth observation event, which is held every three years, will take place on 23–27 May 2022 in Bonn, Germany. Register by 9 May 2022.

ESA: a new European Centre for Space Economy and Commerce

ESA: a new European Centre for Space Economy and Commerce

30.03.2022, 16:47

ESA to create a new centre to provide a European platform for interdisciplinary discussions and research on space economy and commerce. You can apply to become a member!

EUSPA: Market report on Copernicus and Galileo 2022

EUSPA: Market report on Copernicus and Galileo 2022

08.03.2022, 18:36

The EU Agency for Space Programme published the new market report on Earth Observation and Satellite Navigation. The downstream sector is growing: €200 bn in 2021 and €500 bn to reach over the next decade!

EVENTS: A list of upcoming ESA webinars and events

EVENTS: A list of upcoming ESA webinars and events

18.02.2022, 11:48

Find out more on the six upcoming ESA webinars: careers, Copernicus for Green Deal, education and optical and quantum communication.

SUCCESS: RD ALFA Microelectronics ESA project completed: qualification of an integrated circuit

SUCCESS: RD ALFA Microelectronics ESA project completed: qualification of an integrated circuit

11.02.2022, 13:09

RD ALFA Microelectronics is happy to announce that at the end of 2021, it successfully finished the ESA PECS project "Qualification of IC αRD124A for application in ESA missions".

TRAINING: Applications open for ESA Young Graduate Trainee (YGT) Programme

TRAINING: Applications open for ESA Young Graduate Trainee (YGT) Programme

03.02.2022, 15:45

ESA’s YGT Programme offers young graduates the opportunity to gain valuable on-the-job experience in the development and operation of space missions in an international environment. Deadline for applications: 28 February 2022.

TRAINING: Space summer school of the International Space University

TRAINING: Space summer school of the International Space University

19.01.2022, 20:34
The Space Studies Program of the International Space University will take place from 27 June to 26 August 2022 in Oeiras, Portugal. The first deadline for registration and application for scholarships: 31 January 2022. The final deadline: 30 April 2022.
OPPORTUNITY: The GALACTICA 2nd Call for Proposals is now open

OPPORTUNITY: The GALACTICA 2nd Call for Proposals is now open

19.01.2022, 19:17

GALACTICA supports the creation of innovations in textile, aerospace and advanced manufacturing. SMEs and start-ups can apply for funding of up to €100.000 ("Orbital Projects") or €20.000 ("Pioneer Projects"). Deadline for applications: 30 March 2022.

TRAINING: 8-day ESA Technology Transfer, Application & Innovation Workshop 2022

TRAINING: 8-day ESA Technology Transfer, Application & Innovation Workshop 2022

05.01.2022, 22:24

The ESA Education Office is looking for university students to participate in the online edition of the ESA Academy’s Technology Transfer, Application & Innovation Workshop 2022, which will take place on 9-18 March 2022. Deadline for applications: 19 January 2022.



05.01.2022, 22:00

European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) as an EU agency regularly published procurement opportunities. Recently, several calls for tenders have been published and are available also to entities based in Latvia as an EU Member State.

TRAINING: ESA Junior Professional Programme

TRAINING: ESA Junior Professional Programme

03.12.2021, 16:13

The European Space Agency launched a brand-new entry-level programme for Master’s degree graduates with two to three years of professional experience. This new programme is a unique opportunity to launch your career at ESA and join the future of space in Europe.

TRAINING: ESA student internship

TRAINING: ESA student internship

13.11.2021, 11:27

The next round of internship opportunities at ESA is now published and opportunities will remain open until 30 November 2021. Internships last from three to six months and opportunities are available in engineering, science, IT, natural/social sciences, business and administration services.

OPPORTUNITY: myEUspace competition

OPPORTUNITY: myEUspace competition

13.11.2021, 11:09

The objective of the competition is to support the development of innovative commercial solutions - such as mobile apps or hardware-based solutions - that are leveraging EU space data from Galileo and/or Copernicus. The new deadline for applications is 3 December 2021.

OPPORTUNITY: Horizon Europe for innovative space downstream applications

OPPORTUNITY: Horizon Europe for innovative space downstream applications

09.11.2021, 13:34

The first Horizon Europe call managed by EUSPA is now open for submissions. With an overall budget of 32.6 million EUR, the call aims at developing innovative downstream applications that leverage data from the EU Space Programme, namely Galileo, EGNOS, and Copernicus. The deadline for applications is 16 February 2022.

SUCCESS: A new Copernicus Relay in Latvia

SUCCESS: A new Copernicus Relay in Latvia

06.08.2021, 12:01

In July 2021, the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia joined the Copernicus Relays network of the European Commission. As a Copernicus ambassador, the Ministry will continue promoting the Copernicus programme, drive Earth Observation-based innovations and provide information support about the EU Space Programme in Latvia.